Languages Of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg: Countries
English | French | German | Dutch | Luxembourgish |
Albania | Albanie | Albanien | Albanië | Albanien |
Andorra | Andorre | Andorra | Andorra | Andorra |
Armenia | Arménie | Armenien | Armenië | Armenien |
Austria | Autriche | Österreich | Oostenrijk | Éisträich |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaïdjan | Aserbaidschan | Azerbeidzjan | Aserbaidschan |
Belarus | Biélorussie | Belarus | Wit-Rusland | Wäissrussland |
Belgium | Belgique | Belgien | België | Belsch |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnie-Herzégovine | Bosnien und Herzegowina | Bosnië en Herzegovina | Bosnien an Herzegowina |
Bulgaria | Bulgarie | Bulgarien | Bulgarije | Bulgarien |
Croatia | Croatie | Kroatien | Kroatië | Kroatien |
Cyprus | Chypre | Zypern | Cyprus | Zypern |
Czechia | Tchéquie | Tschechien | Tsjechië | Tschechien |
Denmark | Danemark | Dänemark | Denemarken | Dänemark |
Estonia | Estonie | Estland | Estland | Estland |
Finland | Finlande | Finnland | Finland | Finnland |
France | France | Frankreich | Frankrijk | Frankräich |
Georgia | Géorgie | Georgien | Georgië | Georgien |
Germany | Allemagne | Deutschland | Duitsland | Däitschland |
Greece | Grèce | Griechenland | Griekenland | Griicheland |
Hungary | Hongrie | Ungarn | Hongarije | Ungarn |
Iceland | Islande | Island | IJsland | Island |
Ireland | Irlande | Irland | Ierland | Irland |
Italy | Italie | Italien | Italië | Italien |
Kosovo | Kosovo | Kosovo | Kosovo | Kosovo |
Latvia | Lettonie | Lettland | Letland | Lettland |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
Lithuania | Lituanie | Litauen | Litouwen | Litauen |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Luxemburg | Luxemburg | Lëtzebuerg |
Malta | Malte | Malta | Malta | Malta |
Moldova | Moldavie | Moldau | Moldavië | Moldawien |
Monaco | Monaco | Monaco | Monaco | Monaco |
Montenegro | Monténégro | Montenegro | Montenegro | Montenegro |
Netherlands | Pays-Bas | Niederlande | Nederland | Nidderlanden |
North Macedonia | Macédoine du Nord | Nordmazedonien | Noord-Macedonië | Nordmazedonien |
Norway | Norvège | Norwegen | Noorwegen | Norwegen |
Poland | Pologne | Polen | Polen | Polen |
Portugal | Portugal | Portugal | Portugal | Portugal |
Romania | Roumanie | Rumänien | Roemenië | Rumänien |
Russia | Russie | Russland | Rusland | Russland |
San Marino | Saint-Marin | San Marino | San Marino | San Marino |
Serbia | Serbie | Serbien | Servië | Serbien |
Slovakia | Slovaquie | Slowakei | Slowakije | Slowakei |
Slovenia | Slovénie | Slowenien | Slovenië | Slowenien |
Spain | Espagne | Spanien | Spanje | Spuenien |
Sweden | Suède | Schweden | Zweden | Schweden |
Switzerland | Suisse | Schweiz | Zwitserland | Schwäiz |
Turkey | Turquie | Türkei | Turkije | Tierkei |
Ukraine | Ukraine | Ukraine | Oekraïne | Ukrain |
United Kingdom | Royaume-Uni | Vereinigtes Königreich | Verenigd Koninkrijk | Vereenegt Kinnekräich |
Vatican City | Vatican | Vatikanstadt | Vaticaanstad | Vatikanstad |
▶ Discover French
▶20+ Interesting Facts About Languages In Belgium
▶100+ Facts About Languages That You Might Not Know
▶50+ Facts About Languages In The Eurovision Song Contest That You Need To Know
▶Languages of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg: Days of the Week
▶Languages of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg: Months Of The Year
▶Languages of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg: Numbers
▶Languages of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg: Places In The City
▶100+ Facts About Languages That You Might Not Know
▶50+ Facts About Languages In The Eurovision Song Contest That You Need To Know
▶Languages of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg: Days of the Week
▶Languages of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg: Months Of The Year
▶Languages of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg: Numbers
▶Languages of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg: Places In The City