Learn French Basic Vocabulary: Essential Words and Phrases for Beginners
Discover the most useful French words to start speaking today! Learn vocabulary for family, numbers, colours, days, months, animals and more.
Learn Family Vocabulary In French
mother - mère (from Latin māter)
father - père (from Latin pater)
daughter - fille (from Latin fīlia)
son - fils (from Latin fīlius)
brother - frère (from Latin frāter)
sister - sœur (from Latin soror)
cousin (male) - cousin (from Latin cōnsobrīnus)
cousin (female) - cousine (from Latin cōnsobrīna)
uncle - oncle (from Latin avunculus)
aunt - tante (from Latin amita)
grandmother - grand-mère
grandfather - grand-père
Learn Numbers In French
zero - zéro (from Arabic صفر (ṣifr))
one - un (from Latin ūnus)
two - deux (from Latin duo)
three - trois (from Latin trēs)
four - quatre (from Latin quattuor)
five - cinq (from Latin quīnque)
six - six (from Latin sex)
seven - sept (from Latin septem)
eight - huit (from Latin octō)
nine - neuf (from Latin novem)
ten - dix (from Latin decem)
eleven - onze (from Latin ūndecim)
twelve - douze (from Latin duodecim)
thirteen - treize (from Latin trēdecim)
fourteen - quatorze (from Latin quattuordecim)
fifteen - quinze (from Latin quīndecim)
sixteen - seize (from Latin sēdecim)
seventeen - dix-sept (from Latin septendecim)
eighteen - dix-huit (from Latin duodēvīgintī)
nineteen - dix-neuf (from Latin ūndēvīgintī)
twenty - vingt (from Latin vīgintī)
twenty-one - vingt et un (from Latin vīgintī ūnus)
twenty-two - vingt-deux (from Latin vīgintī duo)
thirty - trente (from Latin trīgintā)
forty - quarante (from Latin quadrāgintā)
fifty - cinquante (from Latin quīnquāgintā)
sixty - soixante (from Latin sexāgintā)
seventy - soixante-dix
eighty - quatre-vingts
ninety - quatre-vingt-dix
one hundred - cent (from Latin centum)
Learn Colours In French
red - rouge
blue - bleu
yellow - jaune
green - vert
white - blanc
black - noir
orange - orange
purple - violet
pink - rose
gray - gris
brown - marron
gold - doré
silver - argenté
Learn Days In French
Monday - lundi (from Latin secunda fēria)
Tuesday - mardi (from Latin tertia fēria)
Wednesday - mercredi (from Latin quārta fēria)
Thursday - jeudi (from Latin quīnta fēria)
Friday - vendredi (from Latin sexta fēria)
Saturday - samedi (from Latin sabbatum)
Sunday - dimanche (from Latin diēs Dominica)
Learn Months In French
January - janvier (from Latin Iānuārius)
February - février (from Latin Februārius)
March - mars (from Latin Mārtius)
April - avril (from Latin Aprīlis)
May - mai (from Latin Maius)
June - juin (from Latin Iūnius)
July - juillet (from Latin Iūlius)
August - août (from Latin Augustus)
September - septembre (from Latin September)
October - octobre (from Latin Octōber)
November - novembre (from Latin November)
December - décembre (from Latin December)
Learn Food And Drink In French
aubergine - aubergine
broccoli - brocoli
carrot - carotte
chilli - piment
corn - maïs
cucumber - concombre
garlic - ail
lettuce - laitue
onion - oignon
pepper - poivron
potato - pomme de terre
apple - pomme
avocado - avocat
banana - banane
cherry - cerise
coconut - noix de coco
grape - raisin
lemon - citron
mango - mangue
melon - melon
orange - orange
peach - pêche
pear - poire
pineapple - ananas
strawberry - fraise
tomato - tomate
watermelon - pastèque
beer - bière
coffee - café
hot chocolate - chocolat chaud
juice - jus
lemonade - limonade
milk - lait
tea - thé
water - eau
wine - vin
Learn Animals In French
ant - fourmi (from Latin formīca)
bird - oiseau (from Latin aucellus)
cat - chat (from Latin cattus)
chicken - poule (from Latin pullus)
cow - vache (from Latin vacca)
dog - chien (from Latin canis)
fish - poisson (from Latin piscis)
fly - mouche (from Latin musca)
goat - chèvre (from Latin capra)
mouse - souris (from Latin sōrex)
Learn Planets In French
Mercury - Mercure
Venus - Vénus
Earth - Terre
Mars - Mars
Jupiter - Jupiter
Saturn - Saturne
Uranus - Uranus
Neptune - Neptune
Learn the Zodiac In French
Aries - Bélier ♈
Taurus - Taureau ♉
Gemini - Gémeaux ♊
Cancer - Cancer ♋
Leo - Lion ♌
Virgo - Vierge ♍
Libra - Balance ♎
Scorpio - Scorpion ♏
Sagittarius - Sagittaire ♐
Capricorn - Capricorne ♑
Aquarius - Verseau ♒
Pisces - Poissons ♓
Learn Essential French
yes - oui
no - non
hello, hi - bonjour, salut
good morning - bonjour
good afternoon - bon après-midi
good evening - bonsoir
good night - bonne nuit
goodbye - au revoir
please - s'il vous plaît
thank you (very much) - merci (beaucoup)
you are welcome - de rien
how are you? - comment ça va?
I am ok - je vais bien
happy birthday - joyeux anniversaire
I love you - je t'aime
Merry Christmas - Joyeux Noël
Happy New Year - Bonne Année