Learn Italian Basic Vocabulary: Essential Words and Phrases for Beginners
Discover the most useful Italian words to start speaking today! Learn vocabulary for family, numbers, colours, days, months and more.
Learn Family Vocabulary In Italian
mother - madre (from Latin māter)
father - padre (from Latin pater)
daughter - figlia (from Latin fīlia)
son - figlio (from Latin fīlius)
brother - fratello (from Latin frāter)
sister - sorella (from Latin soror)
cousin (male) - cugino (from Latin cōnsobrīnus)
cousin (female) - cugina (from Latin cōnsobrīna)
uncle - zio (from Latin thīum)
aunt - zia (from Latin thīa)
grandmother - nonna (from Latin nonna)
grandfather - nonno (from Latin nonnus)
Learn Numbers In Italian
zero - zero (from Arabic صفر (ṣifr))
one - uno (from Latin ūnus)
two - due (from Latin duo)
three - tre (from Latin trēs)
four - quattro (from Latin quattuor)
five - cinque (from Latin quīnque)
six - sei (from Latin sex)
seven - sette (from Latin septem)
eight - otto (from Latin octō)
nine - nove (from Latin novem)
ten - dieci (from Latin decem)
eleven - undici (from Latin ūndecim)
twelve - dodici (from Latin duodecim)
thirteen - tredici (from Latin trēdecim)
fourteen - quattordici (from Latin quattuordecim)
fifteen - quindici (from Latin quīndecim)
sixteen - sedici (from Latin sēdecim)
seventeen - diciassette (from Latin septendecim)
eighteen - diciotto (from Latin duodēvīgintī)
nineteen - diciannove (from Latin ūndēvīgintī)
twenty - venti (from Latin vīgintī)
twenty-one - ventuno (from Latin vīgintī ūnus)
twenty-two - ventidue (from Latin vīgintī duo)
thirty - trenta (from Latin trīgintā)
forty - quaranta (from Latin quadrāgintā)
fifty - cinquanta (from Latin quīnquāgintā)
sixty - sessanta (from Latin sexāgintā)
seventy - settanta (from Latin septuāgintā)
eighty - ottanta (from Latin octōgintā)
ninety - novanta (from Latin nōnāgintā)
one hundred - cento (from Latin centum)
Learn Colours in Italian
red - rosso
blue - blu
yellow - giallo
green - verde
white - bianco
black - nero
orange - arancione
purple - viola
pink - rosa
gray - grigio
brown - marrone
gold - dorato
silver - argento
Learn Days In Italian
Monday - lunedì (from Latin diēs Lūnae)
Tuesday - martedì (from Latin diēs Mārtis)
Wednesday - mercoledì (from Latin diēs Mercuriī)
Thursday - giovedì (from Latin diēs Iovis)
Friday - venerdì (from Latin diēs Veneris )
Saturday - sabato (from Latin sabbatum)
Sunday - domenica (from Latin dīēs Dominica)
Learn Months In Italian
January - gennaio (from Latin Iānuārius)
February - febbraio (from Latin Februārius)
March - marzo (from Latin Mārtius)
April - aprile (from Latin Aprīlis)
May - maggio (from Latin Maius)
June - giugno (from Latin Iūnius)
July - luglio (from Latin Iūlius)
August - agosto (from Latin Augustus)
September - settembre (from Latin September)
October - ottobre (from Latin Octōber)
November - novembre (from Latin November)
December - dicembre (from Latin December)
Learn Food And Drink In Italian
aubergine - melanzana
carrot - carota
chili - peperoncino
corn - mais
cucumber - cetriolo
garlic - aglio
lettuce - lattuga
onion - cipolla
potato - patata
broccoli - broccolo
apple - mela
avocado - avocado
banana - banana
cherry - ciliegia
coconut - noce di cocco
grape - uva
lemon - limone
melon - melone
mango - mango
orange - arancia
peach - pesca
pear - pera
pineapple - ananas
strawberry - fragola
tomato - pomodoro
watermelon - cocomero
beer - birra
coffee - caffè
hot chocolate - cioccolata calda
juice - succo
lemonade - limonata
milk - latte
tea - tè
water - acqua
wine - vino
Learn Essential Italian
yes - sì
no - no
hello - buongiorno, ciao
good morning - buongiorno
good afternoon - buon pomeriggio
good evening - buonasera
good night - buonanotte
goodbye - arrivederci , addio, ciao
please - per favore
thank you (very much) - grazie (mille)
you are welcome - prego
how are you? - come stai?
I am ok - sto bene
happy birthday - buon compleanno
I love you - ti amo
Merry Christmas - Buon Natale
Happy New Year - Buon anno