▶ vaca [cow]
from Latin vacca ▶mosca [fly] from Latin musca ▶ ratón [mouse] from Latin rattus ▶pájaro [bird] from Latin passer |
▶cerdo / cochino [pig]
▶ pez [fish] from Latin piscis ▶ cabra [goat] from Latin capra ▶ oveja [sheep] from Latin ovicula |
▶ perro [dog]
▶ hormiga [ant] from Latin formīca ▶ gato [cat] from Latin cattus ▶ gallina [chicken] from Latin gallīna |
▶ Tengo un pájaro [I have a bird]
▶Tengo dos peces [I have two fish]
▶ No me gustan las hormigas [I do not like ants]
▶La oveja se llama Juana [The sheep's name is Juana]
▶ Las gallinas están en la granja [the chickens are in the farm]
▶ Tengo un pájaro [I have a bird]
▶Tengo dos peces [I have two fish]
▶ No me gustan las hormigas [I do not like ants]
▶La oveja se llama Juana [The sheep's name is Juana]
▶ Las gallinas están en la granja [the chickens are in the farm]
â–¡ vaca
□​ mosca
□ ratón
□​​ pájaro
â–¡ cerdo/cochino
□​ pez
□​ cabra
â–¡ oveja
□​ perro
□​ hormiga
□​ gato
□​ gallina
Spanish Quiz: Animals | Animales
Choose the correct translation